My family and I have enjoyed Christmas and the New Year. We spent about a week in Rockwall Texas (at the home of my in-laws) and had a good time with Leigh Ann's family. My family is somewhat scattered and both of my parents are deceased so the only Grandparents my 2 girls have are in Texas and we always enjoy spending time with them. While there I worshipped at the FBC of Rockwall with my friend Pastor Stephen Swafford. Steve has pastored FBC for about 13 years and they have been a leader in the SBC in "Mission Giving". The Sunday I was in attendance they announced they had reached their Mission goal for the year which was a little more than $500,000. I am inspired by their giving.
I also attended the First United Methodist Church of Rockwall. I enjoyed worshipping with my Methodist brothers and sisters. I like to take the opportunity to visit other denominations and churches when I am away and encourage others to do the same. We can learn from others.
What does 2009 hold for you? Well, only the Lord knows for sure but we are responsible for planning and making preparations. On Sunday morning January 4th I challenged our people to make 2009 a year of sharing our faith and telling our story of what God has done for us. That is one of the purposes for our existence. I gave them a prayer formula to use daily as we seek to make evangelism a natural part of living the Christian life this year. I put it in acrostic form. I firmly believe if we pray in this manner God will answer our prayer! I challenge you to give it a try! Pray "BAPOW"!
BOLDNESS. pray that God will give you boldness to speak for Him. (for God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control)
AWARENESS. pray for awareness of those around you who need to hear the good news.
POWER. pray God will supply you with power/strength to do what is contrary to the flesh.
OPPORTUNITIES. ask God to provide opportunities for you to share your story with others
WORDS. finally pray and ask God to give you the words to say that you might be salt and light to those around you.