I remember being in class during school and some times the teacher would say "You might want to write this down because you may see it on the test!" Everyone would get that information down so proper preparations could be made for test day. As I understand it one day we will all face a TEST and proper preparations must be made. As we study the Word of God week after week we should be writing down what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us? I am as guilty as the next person in the pew. I have, like the prodigal son, squandered much of my time over the years by not being diligent in learining the important truths of Scripture by note-taking.
This week I am going to test a generic "sermon listening sheet" with my congregation. Here is the condensed outline:
Sermon Listening Sheet
Text Date
Observation: "Key Points to Remember"
Inspiration: "Related Scriptures"
Interpretation: "What is God saying to me?"
Application: "Now What?"
I will do the following in response to God's Word.
Each of these points are important but if I fail to share the Word of God in a way people cannot apply it then I have failed. I understand many times we are preaching information but information alone will not transform lives. We must make application.
I pray God will be glorified in this process and we will be transformed into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.