Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Short Pencil!

Someone once told me "A short pencil is better than a long memory anytime!" In other words, we need to write things down as opposed to depending upon our memory. You see, the majority of people are not blessed with photographic memories. I am convinced one reason many people in the pew are spiritually anemic is they depend upon their memory to make them mature. Last week I encouraged and admonished our people to take notes or write in their Bibles.
I remember being in class during school and some times the teacher would say "You might want to write this down because you may see it on the test!" Everyone would get that information down so proper preparations could be made for test day. As I understand it one day we will all face a TEST and proper preparations must be made. As we study the Word of God week after week we should be writing down what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us? I am as guilty as the next person in the pew. I have, like the prodigal son, squandered much of my time over the years by not being diligent in learining the important truths of Scripture by note-taking.
This week I am going to test a generic "sermon listening sheet" with my congregation. Here is the condensed outline:
Sermon Listening Sheet
Text Date
Observation: "Key Points to Remember"
Inspiration: "Related Scriptures"
Interpretation: "What is God saying to me?"
Application: "Now What?"
I will do the following in response to God's Word.
Each of these points are important but if I fail to share the Word of God in a way people cannot apply it then I have failed. I understand many times we are preaching information but information alone will not transform lives. We must make application.
I pray God will be glorified in this process and we will be transformed into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Flies!

It's been said many times before the older you get the faster time seems to pass. It feels like yesterday I was getting prepared to graduate from High School. I can still remember my college days very clearly. It is 2009 and  30 years ago in 1979 I graduated from college. I can't believe it! Where have the days, months, and years gone? There is a book written by a man whose name escapes me but its' title is "Half Time." I think much more about the 2nd half today! I want to finish well. I want my life to count and have purpose. I want to be fulfilled! I realize that true fulfillment comes only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! He alone satisfies. 

John Piper has written a book entitled "Don't Waste Your Life!" I think that says what I feel. I don't want to waste my life or time. One of the frustrating things for me is "time management." I fear time is managing me instead of me managing time. Anybody out there understand? I am sure some of you have tips or advice on how to best manage time. I would love to hear from you. Email me @ 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello Again!

We have survived the ice storm. I have been told by many people that this was the worst storm they have witnessed during their lifetime. And that is from many lifelong residents of Owensboro. A big THANKS to many people who helped us make it through those difficult days. The hundreds of utility workers who went above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of others. To the many members of FBC Owensboro who worked tirelessly in providing a warm and safe place for those who were without power. To our maintenance staff, professional ministerial staff, the kitchen staff, and lots of volunteers who became the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. Thanks seems so inadequate but you are greatly appreciated. It is good to be almost back to normal.