I, like many other people, have enjoyed certain television shows through the years and am grateful for syndication. My all time favorite would have to be "The Andy Griffith Show". About 15 years ago I had the bright idea of putting together an "Andy Griffith trivia book". I worked tirelessly watching episode after episode on VHS in order to compile a list of questions that would make up the content of the book. Ita wasn't easy fast forwarding, and rewinding those vhs tapes to make sure the answers as well as the questions were correct. That was before DVDs and DVRs.
What is your favorite episode?
Anyway, to make a long story short, I submitted a proposal/idea to a couple of publishers but received no takers. It was and in my opinion still a good idea. I have a few variations if anyone is interested. Nevertheless, all of the handwritten notes I spent hours watching the episodes were for naught. I was looking through some old stuff the other day and came across those hand
written trivia questions. I had a new revelation. I know many people out in the blogosphere enjoy TAGS and so I am going to post an Andy Griffith Show Trivia question every so often. I think it will be fun. Send your answer to lapstrahan@gmail.com and I will post the answer and the first names of those who guessed correctly. No looking it up on the internet or googling. Let's get started and we'll begin with an easy one. As Gomer would say; "Lots of luck to you and yours!"

Trivia Question of the Week

In the episode "Barney and the Choir" what was the name/number of the song the choir was practicing?
What is your favorite episode?
I didn't know the answer, so I had to look it up. Won't post the answer since I had to peek. My favorite was "The Pickle Story".
Hi i'm *Anna* :) ur daughter (LOL) and my fave is Ellie for COUNCIL but I have many other favorites cause we watch more than 1 everyday!
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