Don Davis is pastor of FBC Alexandria VA. He writes a journal(like a blog) and in April this was his entry. I identify with much of what he said and added some of my own thoughts in parenthesis.
I am still in a confessional mood coming off Sunday’s sermon and my comments about playing the board game, Monopoly. Confession is good for the soul, they say, but bad for the reputation.
Here are some things you may have already suspected. Don’t hold me to any of this. In fact, delete after reading, please.
– Theologically I am neither Calvinist nor charismatic, fundamentalist, moderate or liberal. Just a Baptist Christian with a little mix of all the above. (My Dad was Baptist and my Mom was Pentecost)
– Pastoring churches is the only job I have ever had (except for appliance salesman at Montgomery Ward my senior year of high school). (I've had several jobs including Jewelry store manager)
– I love Tyler Perry movies that feature Madea!
– No, I don’t actually read all of the books that I mention in my sermons. Who has the time? But I do read book reviews in magazines and online.(ditto)
– I never learned to type in high school. This explains why my e-mail replies (if you get one at all) are so short and to the point.
– Yes, I do occasionally repeat sermons. Some of these are from Danville days, but updated and freshened. Almost all my messages now are new ones, written specifically for First Baptist Church Alexandria.(ditto and finding out most of my old ones need to become sacrifices on an altar)
– I am the least mechanically - minded person you know.(me too, and my father-in-law can do anything)
– My recurring nightmare: it’s the end of the school semester and I realize that I haven’t been attending class for weeks and have no idea what the final exam is asking. I had the dream again last night.
– My biggest addiction: Hubbs Peanuts.(reeses, butterfinger, etc. do you see a chocolate pattern?)
– I have a real phobia about snakes!
– I admire and respect each of my predecessors at FBCA. I envy Vernon Davis his intellect and long tenure, Jay Wolf his incredible people skills, Gary Hollingsworth his easy, relaxed personality and John Compton his administration ability. Every pastor has his own unique gifts, though, and I can only be who I am. (I Cor. 3:4-7) (ditto)
– I still fear that old high school or college girlfriends will one day re-surface with caches of my poetry and embarrass me clear out of town. (no worries here, I can't write poetry)
– My favorite musical play is Les Miserables and the last time I saw it, at the Signature Theatre in Shirlington, I literally sobbed from the overture to the final curtain.(the Music Man)
– My wife is a better Christian than I am. Kinder, more sensitive and grace-filled.(double ditto, and I am guessing probably true for every preacher and man whose married)
– I wish that I was as quick - witted and funny as my son.(I wish I were creative)
– If I were President of the United States the first thing I would do is mandate that every man, woman and child take remedial courses in US history and the Constitution, putting into context the day in which we live.
– Audrey scared me the other day when she threatened to have Sinatra’s “I Did it My Way” played at my funeral. Don’t let her do that.
– Pastoring this church is the only job I’ll ever want. It fulfills the vision God gave me when a teen-ager (Vision? Hey: guess I’m more charismatic than I thought.)
There now, I feel better getting all of that off my chest. Sometimes I just need to talk. Don’t you?
Thanks Pastor Don for being transparent.
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