Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Flies!

It's been said many times before the older you get the faster time seems to pass. It feels like yesterday I was getting prepared to graduate from High School. I can still remember my college days very clearly. It is 2009 and  30 years ago in 1979 I graduated from college. I can't believe it! Where have the days, months, and years gone? There is a book written by a man whose name escapes me but its' title is "Half Time." I think much more about the 2nd half today! I want to finish well. I want my life to count and have purpose. I want to be fulfilled! I realize that true fulfillment comes only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! He alone satisfies. 

John Piper has written a book entitled "Don't Waste Your Life!" I think that says what I feel. I don't want to waste my life or time. One of the frustrating things for me is "time management." I fear time is managing me instead of me managing time. Anybody out there understand? I am sure some of you have tips or advice on how to best manage time. I would love to hear from you. Email me @ 

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