Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Back!

Here is a question especially for those of you who are members of FBC Owensboro but any of you are free to answer. Would you use the option of automatic bank draft in giving to the church if offered? If you already use it, let me know what your thoughts are about it.

  • Yes!
  • No!
  • Using it now and love it!
  • Never!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Late Post!

On Father's Day I shared some questions to ask your children as a Dad. I was asked by someone to print these so I apologize in the delay in doing so. I read them on Tony Merida's blog. Tony is the pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Hattiesburg Mississippi. Here is what he wrote:

Today I mentioned several resources of parents. I have been blessed by Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart, The Jesus Storybook Bible bySally Lloyd-Jones, and My 1st Book of Question and Answers by Mackenzie, to name a few. I also mentioned some questions that a Sovereign Grace Pastor shared with Piper, and he in turn footnoted the book Stand: A Call for Endurance of the Saints (p., 132, footnote 2). Piper honestly admitted that if he could anything over, after a long ministry, that it would be with respect to asking "heart questions" (my phrase) to his kids. He met with them regularly but wished that he would have probed deeper. I went through the questions quickly today in the sermon, but wanted to make the available here. Here are the questions
  • How are your devotions?
  • What is God teaching you?
  • In your own words, what is the Gospel?
  • Is there a specific sin that you're aware of that you need my help defeating?
  • Are you more aware of my encouragement than my criticism?
  • What's Daddy most passionate about?
  • Do I act the same at church as I do when I'm at home?
  • Are you aware of my love for you?
  • Is there any way I've sinned against you that I've not repented of?
  • Do you have any observations for me?
  • How am I doing as a dad?
  • How have Sunday's sermons impacted you?
  • Does my relationship with Mom make you excited to be married?

Monday, July 6, 2009


A lot has happened since I last posted. Celebrities Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden, and former Tennessee Titan Steve McNair have all died. The news has been mostly filled with stories of their lives and the events surrounding their deaths. Much has been said about each of these people and much will continue to be written and spoken about them. Their deaths have reminded me what the writer of Hebrews says to us in the ninth chapter verse twenty seven. He writes "it is appointed once for man to die, after this comes the judgement."

Regardless of what you have been taught or believe the Bible says we have an appointment and it is one we will not miss. The good news is that you can be ready for that day but you must make preparations for it. Jesus Christ made the preparation for us as He willingly died on a cross for our sins that we might have eternal life. If we will but place our faith in Christ alone, then our preparations will be complete.

Death has a distinctive way of shaking us into reality and reminding us of our mortality. Life does not end at death and we will spend eternity somewhere. Either in Heaven with God or in Hell, a place of torment and without Christ! We have a choice to make! Will you today trust in Him (Jesus) who has the power of life and death! Will you choose life? Let me suggest some scripture for you to explore known as the Roman road.

Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:9-10, and 13

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We are in the middle of Vacation Bible School. Those of you who grew up in church know VBS stands for Vacation Bible School which means kool aid and cookies for most of us. The refreshments, crafts, and recreation have certainly improved with time but the fun has always been off the chart. VBS has traditionally been one of the biggest outreach tools for our church and this year will probably be no different. Tomorrow is one of the most important days when I share the story of Jesus with grades 1-5. If you think about it, pray for our time together! A special thanks to our 76 plus volunteers who made it happen this week. I am making a promise for next year. I will work somewhere in VBS next year, how about you?

SBC..this stands for the Southern Baptist Convention of which our church is a part. Every year there is a 2-3 day business meeting mixed with some of the best preaching in our Convention. This year it was held in our state of Kentucky. I had the opportunity to go over for a short time on Tuesday. It is a good time to re-connect with other ministers and their families.

IWALAHY....This is what is inscribed on the inside of my wedding ring given to me by Leigh Ann. I can't tell you everything. It has been this way for 19 going on 20 years. Feel free to make a guess! What does it mean IWALAHY? Ditto from me to you Leigh Ann!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Your Favorite Day of the Week?

What is your favorite day of the week? Most of you would probably say Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Today is Monday and it seems to always bring a new set of challenges. I know Sunday is the first day of the week but most people feel as if Monday begins the week. Monday has taken a bad rap for a long time. It is probably the least favorite day of the week.

However, Monday is a welcome day to many preachers. Some pastors probably Monday as a day off after a long day on Sunday. My day off is Thursday and it works well for me.

Monday does seem like a vacation day because Sunday is such a busy day for pastors. For me it is a time to rest and re-engage, to think about the week ahead, to remember what God did the day before, to recall what didn't work with the sermon, to evaluate the whole worship experience, to begin again the process of putting together the sermon that will be preached in less than 7 days.

On this Monday there is also a funeral. Ministry sometimes can be planned but sometimes it must happen.

Today is a great day because the Psalmist reminds us "Today is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". I pray today you can and will rejoice whether or not today is your favorite day or least favorite!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back in the Saddle

It was good to be in Nepal with our missionaries Bo and Summer. We had a fantastic time and learned a great deal about the commitment level of people like Bo and Summer. There are others who are walking with God by faith in other areas around our world. I think of Jeff and Denise Gray, Judy Miller, and even those in the states where the gospel is not being preached. Let's pray for these and others who have given their life to the greatest mission cause ever, the spreading of the good news to the nations. I am proud to be a part of the greatest mission effort in the world... the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Here are a few more pics from Kathmandu Nepal.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nepal 2009 by Brad Erickson

It has been an incredible trip and hard to believe that it is coming to a close.  Each day has presented us with new and unique opportunities.  Yesterday was no different.  Bo met us at our hotel at 5:30 a.m. to hike to a local hill-top Tibetan Buddhist monastery.  Along our way to the “hill” (which seemed less like a hill and more like a mountain) two national believers joined our group.

Though our inexperience of hiking in such high altitudes slowed our progress, we eventually made it to the Tibetan Buddhist Monastery at the top.  After praying around the top for the city of Katmandu stretched out before us, we sought a monk to whom we could dialogue with and share the gospel.  We were unable to enter into lengthy conversation with any of the monks, because their classes were starting at 8 a.m., but the Tibetan believers in  our group distributed gospel tracts and discussed them with several monks.

Upon finishing our descent, we loaded into Bo’s car and drove to the top of the Swayambu Stupa for lunch at Doma’s (the Tibetan ‘Miss Barbara’) restaurant.  Earlier in the week, she had promised to make us a traditional Tibetan lunch, and that she did.  We ate Tea Momo’s, which were comprised of Tibetan Tea (made from milk and butter), barley flour, and butter.  After adding all the ingredients in a bowl, we mashed them together to create a large, glutinous ball from which we picked and ate from.  Though the texture reminded us of sand, they tasted very good.  At the end of lunch, Doma, who is not a believer, allowed us to pray with her and for her elderly mother, who has recently fallen ill.

After returning from the Swayambu Stupa, Paul and Matt lead a series of church leadership lessons with several Tibetan believers.  Paul’s lesson covered the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which he encouraged the believers to practice both.  Matt’s lesson focused on instilling biblical and practical methods of discipleship.  Following our hours of study, we journeyed to a local Tibetan / Chinese restaurant and ate with the Tibetan believers.  Our night concluded with two hours of praise, games, and lessons at a local orphanage.

One of our largest events of the week took place this morning at the Swayambu Stupa, where we distributed water and gospel tracts to Buddhists worshiping at the site.  We awoke early again and joined up with several Tibetan believers and began our work.  We distributed over 500 bottles of water in under 45 minutes.  Though we were more than happy to satiate the Buddhists’ physical thirst, our prayer is that the gospel message sent forth this morning will satiate the Buddhist’s spiritual thirst.

The trip has been incredible for many reasons.  One of the most incredible is seeing the faith of Bo and Summer.  How easy it is to practice Christianity in a city, state, and country where we are not required to sacrifice.  During this week, I have often been reminded of the early church and the sacrifices its members are recorded to have made.  Time and time again, we have seen the IMB missionaries and Tibetan believers make these same sacrifices in their striving to share the hope they have in Christ.  We have all personally been touched by their dedication and obedience.  

Though our time in Katmandu has come to an end, the work needed in the city has only begun.  The harvest is plentiful, but the workers truly are few.  I encourage anyone who reads this to consider spending a week, a month, or even a summer in Nepal.  God has already called us to make disciples of all nations.  Are you willing to answer the call?   

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Worship in Katmandu

We began our day with worship at the only Tibetan Christian church in the Swayambhu region of Katmandu. The pastor is Kel-Sang and he also pastors 2 other fellowships around the valley. Church is held in the pastors home and when we arrived there were about 5 other believers along with pastor Ke-Sang present. When the service started the children from the orphanage came in along with a few other believers. In all total there were 9 adults and 18 children at worship. They welcomed us as guests and then everyone introduced themselves including the children. Pastor Kel-Sang played the Tibetan guitar and we sang several worship songs. One of the songs they sang in three different languages, Tibetan, Nepalese, and English. At one point the offering was taken and then I was given the opportunity to preach with a translator. I shared with them "why God allows problems in the life of believers." After the preaching we took prayer requests and we all prayed together at the same time and then the pastor closed the prayer time. We were then served Nepali tea and some cookies. What a great worship experience!
We had lunch with a couple of the believers at a Tibetan owned restaurant. And then we headed on to try and engage some people with the Gospel. We went to a Stupa nearby where mostly Tibetan Buddhists would be going through the rituals of their faith in order to recieve karma, blessings, and cleansing from Buddha. Stupa's are imposing temples that dominate the area. They are difficult to describe but are holy to the Tibetan Buddhists. This particular one is known in the city as the "Monkey Temple" because there are lots of monkeys in the area. We had an opportunity to share tracts with some of the people and did a lot of prayer walking.  I think one of the best ways to describe the people of Tibet is they are in darkness and in need of the Light of the World. Pray for the darkness to be dispelled!

Bo had to do some orientation for some people who had arrived for the summer so we took a taxi back to the hotel to rest for a few hours. The taxi ride is indescribable but I have video for your enjoyment when we return.

One of the highlights for us was dinner at Bo and Summer's house that evening. Summer cooked mashed potatoes, fried okra, fried chicken, and cornbread. We felt right at home and my stomach was having a party!!! What a way to end the day! Tomorrow will be a long day with a full schedule! 
Until tomorrow!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nepal 2009 Guest Bloggers Matt and a little bit of Brad

Today was a great day.  With our fearless leader sidelined with sickness, Brad and I had to venture out alone.  We began with going to a local monastery to talk with one of the Tibetan Buddhist monks that Bo had built a relationship with.  When we walked into the monastery, it was surreal.  There were hundreds of worshippers their, sitting in front of a golden statue reciting their mantras.  We went to an adjoining room and sat around a table when another monk joined us.  It was not Bo’s friend but a visiting monk from Hong Kong.  It didn’t take us long to see that this monk was really advanced in his position in the Buddhist hierarchy. He spoke flawless English and then we noticed his picture was on the wall.  These pictures are generally reserved for key leaders and this was no exception.


We spoke for two hours, sipped tea and had a really great conversation.  He was very hospitable and eager to share with us the teachings of Buddha and to learn more about Christianity.  When we began our conversation, he mentioned that the two faiths were essentially the same.  After we had an opportunity to explain the Gospel, he could see that they were indeed very different.  He taught that people are all good and simply had to remove the evil things from our lives to achieve Enlightenment.  Buddha offered no help, he simply showed the way.  Almost like a hidden treasure underneath a pile of garbage.  Once the garbage was removed, we could know our true selves.  We told him the Bible taught that were we flawed and fallen.  We were wrecked by sin and needed God to save us.  This could not be done on our own merit, but was rather an act of God’s grace given through Jesus.  The monk had many good questions, and we agreed to each take a deeper look at Buddha and Jesus respectively. 


After our meeting, we were really pumped about the opportunity and headed to Swayambhu.  Swayambhu is a Buddhist and Hindu temple on top of a mountain overlooking the Kathmandu valley.  It was quite a hike to the top.  I am glad Bo was winded as well so I didn’t feel like such a wimp when I was breathing hard when we reached the top.  It was a great view but really heart-breaking to see these people bow before man-made images.  The desired to give sincere worship but sought created things rather than the Creator.  We had lunch at a small shop with a Tibetan Buddhist lady.  Bo said she was a woman of peace.  This is someone who was not a believer but open to the conversation.  He referred to her as “the Tibetan Ms. Barbara.”  It was a good description.  She was very sweet and a very good cook.  We talked with her for almost an hour and she is hopefully going to meet us at church this morning.


On the way down from the temple we had tea with another Buddhist friend of Bo’s.  He teaches English and has had many conversations with Bo concerning the Gospel.  We enjoyed each other’s company before we had to leave to meet the pastor of the only Tibetan Christian church in the Swayambhu region of Kathmandu.


The pastor of this fellowship has an incredible testimony.  His name is Kel-Sang.  His passion for Christ is contagious.  Kel-Sang also runs an orphanage that has 17 children.  We played games, sang songs and had a great time with the children.  The older children spoke English so they were able to interpret for us.  We were also reminded why kids in America don’t play “Red-Rover” any longer when one of the children was almost decapitated.  Tibetan Christians make up 0.02% of the population of Kathmandu and part of Kel-Sang’s vision is to continue to adopt these unwanted children and disciple them to make an impact for Christ as they grow older.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 5/29 NEPAL!

Our day began early because Matt, Brad, and I are still trying to get on local time. Bo met us at the hotel and we walked to his home which is about 30 minutes away (my Dr. would be proud). Bo wanted us to see what Katmanduh and the people are really like. It was eye-opening. We saw Hindus, Nepali's, Buddhist, Tibet Buddhist Monks, monkeys (yes, real monkeys) and the streets are crowded with locals selling their wares. Did I mention cars, trucks, and motorcycles in abundance? 

We spent the morning listening to Bo and his team leader, Ryan Parks share with us their passion, goals, and strategy for reaching the Tibetan Buddhist. We will share more details about the Tibetan Buddhist when I get home. We also had the privilege of visiting with Summer, Sophia, and Isabella. What a sweet family!

Lunch was at the "Lazy Gringo".  I rode on the back of Ryan's motorcycle from Bo's house. It was like being in a real video game as we honked (the horn is invaluable, kinda of like a seat belt back home) and dodged our way past trucks, cars, other motorcycles, bicycles, children and adults en route to lunch.  More about that later as well. A great mea! 

After lunch we met with some national believers, one the Pastor of a local church, at a Buddhist Stupa. A Stupa is a holy place for Buddhists. We observed hundreds of Tibetan Buddhists zealous and committed to a faith which provides little or no hope for this life or the life to come. 

We ended the day over another meal with the Team leader, his family, the nationals, six college students who had just arrived for two months, and a journeyman.

I was reminded of the 1st commandment which says "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". I wonder how many times I have made other things my god and broken God's first commandment.
I was also reminded of the words in the beginning of the Great Commission, "Go into all the world". I can see and hear it more clearly today!
Until tomorrow!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

We Made It!

We are in Katmandu. We arrived around 2:30pm on Thursday May 28th. It was quite an experience and trip so far. We left Munich and it took us only 6 hours and 45 minutes to get to Delhi India. We had a layover in Delhi for a little more than 5 hours. The only problem was Delhi's airport is the anti-thesis of Munich. Munich is very much up to date and seems to be very new. Delhi on the other hand was quite different. In their defense they are in the middle of constructing a new airport and it will be much improved. We had to stay in an area of the airport that was separated from the main terminal because we did not have boarding passes for our last leg of the trip. We did finally manage to get our boarding passes, had lunch at the SubWay airport and then boarded our plane for the final part of our trip. Unfortunately the air conditioning was not functioning properly and we were on the plane for at least an hour. It felt like a sauna. We did not complain out loud and our flight was only 30 minutes later than planned.
Bo met us at the airport then took us to our hotel. We showered, (well deserved since it has been since Monday night) and then Bo, Summer, Sopia, and Isabella picked us up and we ate pizza at Fire and Ice. We were joined by the other missionaries working in Nepal, Ryan and Kristen. They have twins Gracie, and Keane. Isabella slept the whole time and Sophia is precious. 
I cannot describe what the town of Katmandu is like nor what driving in the city is like. Maybe we will be abel to put pics on soon if not then we will show some when we return. 
Well, we are beat, jet lagged and plain ready for a good night's sleep horizontally. Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday in Munich

We arrived in Munich around 8:30am Munich time. We are 7 hours ahead of Kentucky Central time. Our flight was smooth but long. We watched several movies including "the Mall Cop" and "Marley and Me". As soon as we arrived in Munich we took the train into the city center known as the Marienplatz. The attraction is the Glockenspiel and you can read more at this link The city of Munich is beautiful, very green and lush. The weather is probably 68 degrees with little or no humidity. We have about 5 hours until we board the plane for the next leg of our journey. We will spend another 8 hours in flight to Delhi and then another 2 hours or a little less to Katmanduh. Our sleep and time are messed up so maybe we can catch up on the next flight. Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Headed to NEPAL!

We (Matt, Brad, and I) leave today for our Mission to Nepal. I hope to be able to blog regularly about our trip and keep an update on our experience. Thanks to all of you who have been praying and we continue to covet your prayers. I believe Nepal is about 10 and a half hours ahead of Central time. I am not sure what day it will be when we arrive. We have a couple of long flights, one to Munich and another to Delhi before we arrive in Katmanduh. Here is a portion of one of my favorite Psalms, the 34th. 

Taste and see that the Lord is good.
      Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
 9 Fear the Lord, you his godly people,
      for those who fear him will have all they need.
 10 Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,
      but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.

God is good all the time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Louisville, Charlotte, Munich, Delhi and on to Katmanduh

I have shared with you before that I will be leaving for Nepal soon along with Matt Mason and Brad Erickson. We will be in the air for a long time and on the ground in Munich for an extended period prior to arriving in Katmanduh. I am looking for some good books to read en route. What say you? Email me at or leave a comment. What have you read lately? I tend to read books that deal with ministry. I need to broaden my reading and I need help! I hope to have the ability to blog about our trip while we are there or at least twitter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Must There Be A Title?

  • Thanks to everyone who was involved in focus groups!
  • Learned a lot about our church and myself as we had George Bullard in for the weekend.
  • We now must process what we learned and how to implement the findings.
  • I am encouraged and refreshed through the process.

  • Next Tuesday Matt Mason, Brad Erickson, and I leave for Nepal, pray for us!
  • Pray for our families as we are away. I will miss my 19th wedding anniversary. I love you Leigh Ann!
  • Pray also for Bo, Summer, Sopia, and Isabella that we will be an ecouragement to them.

  • I am glad fastpitch softball is done. Pitching dominates this sport especially when you are first learning the game.

  • Learning about the immanence of God! (For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.) Colossians 1:16-17

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I liked it and thought you might!

Don Davis is pastor of FBC Alexandria VA. He writes a journal(like a blog) and in April this was his entry. I identify with much of what he said and added some of my own thoughts in parenthesis.

Strictly Off the Record

I am still in a confessional mood coming off Sunday’s sermon and my comments about playing the board game, Monopoly.  Confession is good for the soul, they say, but bad for the reputation.


Here are some things you may have already suspected.  Don’t hold me to any of this.  In fact, delete after reading, please.


        Theologically I am neither Calvinist nor charismatic, fundamentalist, moderate or liberal.  Just a Baptist Christian with a little mix of all the above. (My Dad was Baptist and my Mom was Pentecost)


        Pastoring churches is the only job I have ever had (except for appliance salesman at Montgomery Ward my senior year of high school). (I've had several jobs including Jewelry store manager)


        I love Tyler Perry movies that feature Madea!


        No, I don’t actually read all of the books that I mention in my sermons.  Who has the time?  But I do read book reviews in magazines and online.(ditto)


        I never learned to type in high school.  This explains why my e-mail replies (if you get one at all) are so short and to the point.


        Yes, I do occasionally repeat sermons.  Some of these are from Danville days, but updated and freshened.  Almost all my messages now are new ones, written specifically for First Baptist Church Alexandria.(ditto and finding out most of my old ones need to become sacrifices on an altar)


        I am the least mechanically - minded person you know.(me too, and my father-in-law can do anything)


        My recurring nightmare: it’s the end of the school semester and I realize that I haven’t been attending class for weeks and have no idea what the final exam is asking.  I had the dream again last night.


        My biggest addiction: Hubbs Peanuts.(reeses, butterfinger, etc. do you see a chocolate pattern?)


        I have a real phobia about snakes!


        I admire and respect each of my predecessors at FBCA.  I envy Vernon Davis his intellect and long tenure, Jay Wolf his incredible people skills, Gary Hollingsworth his easy, relaxed personality and John Compton his administration ability.  Every pastor has his own unique gifts, though, and I can only be who I am. (I Cor. 3:4-7) (ditto)


        I still fear that old high school or college girlfriends will one day re-surface with caches of my poetry and embarrass me clear out of town. (no worries here, I can't write poetry)


        My favorite musical play is Les Miserables and the last time I saw it, at the Signature Theatre in Shirlington, I literally sobbed from the overture to the final curtain.(the Music Man)


        My wife is a better Christian than I am.  Kinder, more sensitive and grace-filled.(double ditto, and I am guessing probably true for every preacher and man whose married)


        I wish that I was as quick - witted and funny as my son.(I wish I were creative)


        If I were President of the United States the first thing I would do is mandate that every man, woman and child take remedial courses in US history and the Constitution, putting into context the day in which we live.


        Audrey scared me the other day when she threatened to have Sinatra’s “I Did it My Way” played at my funeral.  Don’t let her do that.


        Pastoring this church is the only job I’ll ever want.  It fulfills the vision God gave me when a teen-ager (Vision? Hey: guess I’m more charismatic than I thought.) 


There now, I feel better getting all of that off my chest.  Sometimes I just need to talk.  Don’t you?

Thanks Pastor Don for being transparent. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baseball and Movies!

  • NAIA college baseball regionals begin this week and my Alma Mater is hosting one of the regionals. William Carey University (College when I played) in Hattiesburg Mississippi is seeded number 2 in the regional with a record of 33-20. The number 5 seed in the regional is Brescia University 33-22. Ironic and interesting. Our Recreation Minister, Wes Dunn, is a former Brescia player. Go Saders!

  • My wife and I saw "The Soloist" last weekend. I give it 3.5 stars because it was a true story. Very inspiring however,  I give the producers 1/2 star for inserting 2 vulgar words which added nothing to the movie. As a matter of fact, it did more harm than good in my opinion.

  • One of my all time favorite classic movies "Witness For The Prosecution." If you haven't seen  it, I would suggest you rent it. A great court room drama with a very surprise ending.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Empty Me

"Empty Me" is the title of a song written and sung by Chris Sligh. He is a singer/song writer who was a finalist on American Idol a few seasons ago. The song was nominated this year for a Dove Award. I share the lyrics it to simply say this is what God has been saying to me in my time alone with Him. The chorus has really spoken to me and maybe it will to you.

I've had just enough of the spotlight when it burns bright 
To see how it gets in the blood. 
And I've tasted my share of the sweet life and the wild ride 
And found a little is not quite enough. 
I know how I can stray 
And how fast my heart could change. 

Empty me of the selfishness inside 
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride 
And any foolish thing my heart holds to 
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you. 

I've had just enough of the quick buys of the best lies 
To know how prodigals can be drawn away. 
I know how I can stray 
And how fast my heart could change. 

Empty me of the selfishness inside 
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride 
And any foolish thing my heart holds to 
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you. 

Cause everything is a lesser thing 
Compared to you, compared to you. 
Cause everything is a lesser thing 
Compared to you. So, I surrender all! 

Empty me of the selfishness inside 
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride 
Empty me of the selfishness inside 
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride 
And any foolish thing my heart holds to 
Lord empty me of me so I can be 
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you. 
Oh, filled with you. 
Empty me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Monday Morning Medley!

  • I am enjoying the fellowship of Whitesville Baptist Church this week. Pray for their church, their Pastor Jonathan Baker, Wendy and his family! A beautiful and  sweet family and did I mention they are from MISSISSIPPI!
  • The Swine concerned are you and what are you doing about it?
  • I woke up one morning this past week and was led to Psalm 43. What a good read!
  • We had a good time with my In-laws over the weekend but my girls never want them to leave. I am glad they love their Grandparents. Unfortunately, I never knew mine but Heaven awaits.
  • I will ask again.... Does anyone know when the Chick-Fil-A is going to begin construction on Fredrica Street?
  • I am still pulling for Danny Gokey on AI. I really liked Matt and Chris as well. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Thinking!

  • I am proud of Miss California for having the courage to speak her convictions even if it is not politically correct. Jesus never once mentioned being politically correct but He did say we are to be salt and light. 
  • Scheduled to go to Nepal at the end of May, what about the Swine Flu?
  • Fast pitch softball can be boring!
  • I still haven't played golf. My clubs are in the attic. I have watched it on television.
  • Making disciples of Jesus Christ is a priority we have missed as Southern Baptist.
  • Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Seminary in North Carolina shared in chapel with his students some interesting thoughts on our Convention. Here is the link to watch/listen to his sermon. 
  • Another sermon from a pastor in Memphis. The title is "John Calipari ain't Jesus Christ" go to youtube and type in the title. Check out part 1.
  • Does anyone know when Chick Fil A is going to begin building in Owensboro?  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Alive!

Here are a few questions to consider.

If you believe Christ is alive, what difference has it made in your life? 
Are you being transformed in His image?
Shouldn't every day be Resurrection day for the believer?
If I believe Christ is Alive, so what? Am I changed and do people around me know why?

I don't want to simply celebrate it and say it, but I want it to make a difference in my life!


Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Holy Week

Tomorrow night we will observe "Maundy Thursday" the Last supper Jesus spent with his disciples before going to the cross for us on Friday. It's good to be reminded of the events of Holy Week. Let me encourage you to read the account of it in the Gospels. WHAT A WEEK! WHAT A SAVIOUR!" 


Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Monday!

  • I feel guilty because it's been a long time in between blogs. Why should I feel that way? I am not of the persuasion my blog is a lifeline for anybody. I, my blog nor anyone else's blog is that important. Anyway here are some thoughts on my mind this morning.
  • I need change in my life sometimes just for the sake of change. I realize it's not for everyone but I need that. I was just speaking to a friend of mine who feels the same way. He helped me to see that I am not alone. Maybe we are weird. It won't be the first time anyone has thought or said that about me.
  • Have you heard of Ethan Bortnik? He is a 6 year old piano prodigy. You can google him on the Tonight Show. It is unbelievable and worth 7 minutes of your time. 
  • How is your prayer life? I read an article written by an Army Chaplain entitled "Some Pray and Die" which I believe is very profound and insightful. Here is a little excerpt...     Is there such a thing as getting the "breaks" in prayer? What about the fellows who pray regularly, but get killed regularly? I wish people would stop writing about the soldiers who pray and have their prayers answered by not getting killed. Why do all the other soldiers seem to get the wrong answer?
  • I only watch College basketball when "March Madness" begins. Since Kentucky failed to make the tourney why not pull for Louisville? I also like NC because of their coach Roy Williams. He is a Follower of Christ!
  • Danny Gokey is still my favorite to win AI!
  • Spring Break begins this weekend and I am looking forward to spending time with my family. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just some thoughts!

  • God is not surprised by the economic downturn and it could be a great blessing. God has a way of making good out of bad you know!
  • I am ready for SPRING weather.
  • God is teaching me a lot in the book of Philippians.
  • It's hard to lose weight at 51 because I have a greater desire to eat and less desire to exercise than I did at 21.
  • I have never seen an episode of 24.
  • I believe Danny Gokey (contestant on American Idol) is my favorite!
  • A former contestant on AI has been nominated for a Dove Award. His name is Chris Sligh! You can vote for him at

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One many will miss!

I just found out this morning about Paul Harvey's death. What a wonderful commentator, gifted communicator, and radio personality. There are many more terms which could describe Paul Harvey however none would be more honorable than "Christian Follower of Jesus." He was a believer in our Lord. On Saturday he died at the age of 90 and as he so often said, "Now He knows the Rest of the Story!" 

"Absent from the body present with the Lord"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Short Pencil!

Someone once told me "A short pencil is better than a long memory anytime!" In other words, we need to write things down as opposed to depending upon our memory. You see, the majority of people are not blessed with photographic memories. I am convinced one reason many people in the pew are spiritually anemic is they depend upon their memory to make them mature. Last week I encouraged and admonished our people to take notes or write in their Bibles.
I remember being in class during school and some times the teacher would say "You might want to write this down because you may see it on the test!" Everyone would get that information down so proper preparations could be made for test day. As I understand it one day we will all face a TEST and proper preparations must be made. As we study the Word of God week after week we should be writing down what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us? I am as guilty as the next person in the pew. I have, like the prodigal son, squandered much of my time over the years by not being diligent in learining the important truths of Scripture by note-taking.
This week I am going to test a generic "sermon listening sheet" with my congregation. Here is the condensed outline:
Sermon Listening Sheet
Text Date
Observation: "Key Points to Remember"
Inspiration: "Related Scriptures"
Interpretation: "What is God saying to me?"
Application: "Now What?"
I will do the following in response to God's Word.
Each of these points are important but if I fail to share the Word of God in a way people cannot apply it then I have failed. I understand many times we are preaching information but information alone will not transform lives. We must make application.
I pray God will be glorified in this process and we will be transformed into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Flies!

It's been said many times before the older you get the faster time seems to pass. It feels like yesterday I was getting prepared to graduate from High School. I can still remember my college days very clearly. It is 2009 and  30 years ago in 1979 I graduated from college. I can't believe it! Where have the days, months, and years gone? There is a book written by a man whose name escapes me but its' title is "Half Time." I think much more about the 2nd half today! I want to finish well. I want my life to count and have purpose. I want to be fulfilled! I realize that true fulfillment comes only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! He alone satisfies. 

John Piper has written a book entitled "Don't Waste Your Life!" I think that says what I feel. I don't want to waste my life or time. One of the frustrating things for me is "time management." I fear time is managing me instead of me managing time. Anybody out there understand? I am sure some of you have tips or advice on how to best manage time. I would love to hear from you. Email me @ 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello Again!

We have survived the ice storm. I have been told by many people that this was the worst storm they have witnessed during their lifetime. And that is from many lifelong residents of Owensboro. A big THANKS to many people who helped us make it through those difficult days. The hundreds of utility workers who went above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of others. To the many members of FBC Owensboro who worked tirelessly in providing a warm and safe place for those who were without power. To our maintenance staff, professional ministerial staff, the kitchen staff, and lots of volunteers who became the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. Thanks seems so inadequate but you are greatly appreciated. It is good to be almost back to normal. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Weather and a new Word!

  • We got ice instead of snow. Snow is much better and more desirable. My driveway is on such an incline that I am afraid to leave the garage with ice this thick. I am afraid I would not be able to stop and run into the mailbox or worse the house across the street. I am staying in today. Thank the Lord for internet because I can still work.
  • I was listening to a sermon by a very well known Pastor in Southern Baptist circles and he was preaching from the book of James. It was the passage which says; "Count it all joy brothers when you encounter various trials." He then used a word I had never heard before. Here it is;   PUSILLANIMOUS!   
  • Who knows what it means without looking it up? I will give you a hint.
  • One of Dorothy's friends on the yellow brick road would have best been described as pusillanimous.  Let me know if you knew the meaning.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

4 Pet Peeves

  • People driving out the wrong way when they leave a parking lot (specifically WalMart)
  • People who drive at night with their lights on bright with no thought of oncoming drivers on 2 lane roads but also 4 lane interstates
  • People who are too lazy to return shopping carts to their proper place
  • People who go through express lanes with double the number of items allowed
I think I need to re-read "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!"

Here is a scripture to commit to memory.

"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."    (Philippians 2:3-4)

I think I am spending way too much time at WalMart.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Monday!

We (my wife and I) had a wonderful weekend in Lexington Kentucky. We attended a conference called "Shepherding the Shepherd." The Kentucky Baptist Convention has been putting it on for the last eleven years. It is designed for pastors and their wives, no children allowed. If you are a minister it is worth checking out. Here is the link then search for the name of the conference.
Have you ever heard of the Doerfel's? We had the privilege of having them in our Sunday evening service and they are amazing. They play bluegrass and they have 10 kids. They are a joy! Here is a link where you can learn more about them

Monday, January 12, 2009

Quitting Golf?

Every year when it turns cold I lose interest in golf. I decided this year I was going to quit playing and have told a few people. When I say that they look at me like I have 2 heads. The response is always "you like it too much" and "WHY?" Well, the truth is I really do like it and think it is the greatest individual sport but the reasons to stop are compelling.
  • I probably will not get any better because it takes practice and I don't like practice. Not that I am any good now!
  • It is an expensive hobby! 
  • The most compelling reason is 2 young girls, my daughters. As many of you know it takes a good 4 hours to play a round of golf and that is 4 hours I should be using in a more productive manner.
Well there it is. Will I really quit? I may play sparingly but I don't want to become obsessed with golf. I want to focus this year more on my FAITH, and FAMILY!

ps Will it be OK if I decide to take a MULLIGAN?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


What about those Gators? Unfortunately for me I was pulling for the Sooners. It's not that I dislike TEBOW or the SEC. I am a huge fan of the SEC and Tebow is wonderful witness for our Lord. I really like Sam Bradford and Bob Stoops. Well put me in the loser bracket. It won't be the last time. It was a good game!
Who are you pulling for in the NFL? I like the Giants, Titans, and the Cardinals. 
SUPER BOWL is February 1.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year!

My family and I have enjoyed Christmas and the New Year. We spent about a week in Rockwall Texas (at the home of my in-laws) and had a good time with Leigh Ann's family. My family is somewhat scattered and both of my parents are deceased so the only Grandparents my 2 girls have are in Texas and we always enjoy spending time with them. While there I worshipped at the FBC of Rockwall with my friend Pastor Stephen Swafford. Steve has pastored FBC for about 13 years and they have been a leader in the SBC in "Mission Giving". The Sunday I was in attendance they announced they had reached their Mission goal for the year which was a little more than $500,000. I am inspired by their giving. 
I also attended the First United Methodist Church of Rockwall. I enjoyed worshipping with my Methodist brothers and sisters. I like to take the opportunity to visit other denominations and churches when I am away and encourage others to do the same. We can learn from others.

What does 2009 hold for you? Well, only the Lord knows for sure but we are responsible for planning and making preparations. On Sunday morning January 4th I challenged our people to make 2009 a year of sharing our faith and telling our story of what God has done for us. That is one of the purposes for our existence. I gave them a prayer formula to use daily as we seek to make evangelism a natural part of living the Christian life this year. I put it in acrostic form. I firmly believe if we pray in this manner God will answer our prayer! I challenge you to give it a try! Pray "BAPOW"! 

BOLDNESS. pray that God will give you boldness to speak for Him. (for God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control)

AWARENESS. pray for awareness of those around you who need to hear the good news.

POWER. pray God will supply you with power/strength to do what is contrary to the flesh.

OPPORTUNITIES. ask God to provide opportunities for you to share your story with others

WORDS. finally pray and ask God to give you the words to say that you might be salt and light to those around you.