Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's so Conservative about Jesus?

I mentioned a coupld of posts back that Jesus was liberal in love, patience, and giving. The group I meet with on Wednesday evening came up with a few more areas where Jesus is liberal. They noted He was liberal in forgiveness, healing, grace, mercy, and the list goes on. Maybe you have thought of others. Aren't you glad He is liberal in these things?

Well then, how was Jesus conservative? The definition for conservative is "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change" and "having the power or tendency to conserve; preservative".

When it came to moral issues Jesus was conservative. In other words, He had the power to conserve and limit change. He preserved the existing condtions. The bible tells us "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever". Jesus called his followers to "be holy" as He was holy. He was unwavering in His stand against the moral issues of His day, which by the way are the same ones we face today. For example when Jesus confronted the woman who was brought to Him in adultery, He called her adultery "sin". He did not simply excuse her and say "everybody's doing it". He didn't compromise and turn the other way. He confronted it with love, mercy, and grace. He was conservative.

Jesus held His ground in regards to those who wished to follow Him. He said some very difficult things to those who considered "following Him". On one occasion He told a man who, instead of following Jesus, wanted to bury a loved one, "let the dead bury their own". On another occasion Jesus said "he who does not hate his brother, sister, mother, or father cannot be my disciple". He was conservative and liberal but always at the proper moment! Lord help me as I seek to be like Jesus. In what ways do you see Jesus as conservative or liberal?

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