Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Promise to You Mr. President!

History has been made! Change is coming! America has spoken and we must move forward. One of the greatest single mandates given to me and other followers of Jesus Christ is that we PRAY for our President. That is my promise to President Obama and Vice President Biden. I will pray for you. I will pray for;
  1. Wisdom
  2. Guidance

  3. Discernment

  4. Good counsel
  5. Protection

  6. Health

  7. your family

  8. you to be influenced by the Holy Spirit of God

  9. that God will place around you people of God on whom the Spirit rests
As my friend used to say "You need the prayers and I certainly need the practice!"
"far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you." (1 Sam. 12:23)

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